Covera™ Greffes de stent vasculaire Endoprothèse vasculaire couverte Covera™

Endoprothèse vasculaire couverte Covera

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The covered stent Tailor-Made for AV patients

The Covera™ Vascular Covered Stent builds upon proven technologies from the category leader in AV access. This covered stent platform is designed to balance the flexibility and strength required to address challenging lesions from the terminal cephalic arch, to the basilic swingpoint segments, to the AV graft venous anastomosis. Flared and straight configurations allow for precise sizing and adaptation to the vessel wall, while an easy-to-use thumbwheel delivery system with two speed options provides placement control.

The Covera™ Vascular Covered Stent delivered effective results in two separate clinical trials, one for patients dialyzing with AV grafts and one for patients dialyzing with AV fistulas.1


GTIN - null



Longueur du cathéter

80 cm




8 mm


30 mm

Taille de la gaine

8 F


GTIN - null 00801741106279 1

Spécifications du produit

Longueur du cathéter 80 cm
Configuration Droit
Diamètre 8 mm
Longueur 30 mm
Taille de la gaine 8 F
Plaintes concernant un produit
North American Regional Complaint Center
1-844-8BD-LIFE (1-844-823-5433)
Élements à prendre en compte

Si vous êtes un patient ou un utilisateur final, vous pouvez nous contacter vous-même, ou vous pouvez demander à votre soignant ou à votre médecin de le faire pour vous. Pour nous aider à traiter vos
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  • Nom du produit et/ou numéro de catalogue
  • Numéro de lot ou numéro de série
  • Blessures et/ou préjudices?
  • Quel est le problème que vous avez rencontré?
  • Est-ce-que l'échantillon réel ou le représentant de l'échantillon est disponible? (Si possible, veuillez envoyer l'échantillon concerné)
  • Nom et numéro de téléphone de la personne à contacter

1 Dolmatch B, Waheed U, Balamuthusamy S, Hoggard J, Settlage R; AVeVA Trial Investigators. Prospective, Multicenter Clinical Study of the Covera Vascular Covered Stent in the Treatment of Stenosis at the Graft-Vein Anastomosis of Dysfunctional Hemodialysis Access Grafts. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2022;33(5):479-488.e3. doi:10.1016/j. jvir.2022.02.008. AVeNEW Clinical Studies data on file. At 6 months in AVeVA target lesion primary patency (TLPP) was 70.3% (proportional analysis). At 6 months in AVeNEW, TLPP was 78.7% for Covera™ Vascular Covered Stent vs. 47.9% for PTA alone, P < .001. 130 of the 142 (91.5%) subjects randomized to the Covera™ Vascular Stent group and 123 of the 138 (89.1%) randomized to PTA completed their 6-month follow-up. TLPP defined as the interval following the index intervention until the next clinically-driven reintervention at or adjacent to the original treatment site or until the extremity was abandoned for permanent access. In AVeNEW, TLPP at 6 Months – Subgroup Analysis is provided as observational data without P values. In AVeNEW, patients who received the Covera™ Vascular Covered Stent had 103 reinterventions involving a new lesion compared to 72 reinterventions in the PTA only group at 24 months. At 30 days, freedom from primary safety events was 96.4% in AVeVa and 95.0% (Covera™ Vascular Covered Stent) vs. 96.4% (PTA alone) in AVeNEW (P < .0022). Freedom from primary safety events was defined as freedom from an adverse event involving the access circuit resulting in additional intervention, surgery, hospitalization, or death.

Please consult Instructions for Use for product indications for use, contraindications, warnings, precautions, complications, adverse events and detailed safety information.

