BD Vacutainer® Venous collection BD Vacutainer® blood transfer device

BD Vacutainer® Blood Transfer Device


Using a syringe needle to transfer specimen to a blood collection tube or a blood culture bottle is a challenging procedure that can lead to a needlestick injury and transfer of blood-borne pathogens.

The BD Vacutainer® Blood Transfer Device is designed with healthcare workers' safety in mind. This single-use device reduces the risk of transfer related injuries and exposure to pathogens while maintaining the specimen integrity required for accurate diagnostics.


GTIN - Each



GTIN - Case



Quantity - Box


Quantity - Case



GTIN - Each 00382903648801 1
GTIN - Case 60382903648803 198


Quantity - Box N/A
Quantity - Case 198
Electronic Instructions for Use (eIFUs)
Frequently Asked Questions

assembled, latex-free, single-use; sterile device undeniably reduces the risk of transfer-related injuries while maintaining specimen integrity. The device meets all procedural and safety standards for blood transfer from a conventional hypodermic needle and syringe to a blood collection tube or blood culture bottle.

The holders are made of polypropylene and the hubs are made of polycarbonate.

Both devices have a 20 guage needle on the non-patient end of the device.

assembled, latex-free, single-use; sterile device undeniably reduces the risk of transfer-related injuries while maintaining specimen integrity. The device meets all procedural and safety standards for blood transfer from a conventional hypodermic needle and syringe to a blood collection tube or blood culture bottle.

The holders are made of polypropylene and the hubs are made of polycarbonate.

Both devices have a 20 guage needle on the non-patient end of the device.

Product Complaints
North American Regional Complaint Center
1-844-8BD-LIFE (1-844-823-5433)
Things to Consider

If you are a patient or end user, you can contact us yourself, or you may have your caregiver or your physician do that for you. To help us process your
information quickly and effectively, please contact our customer complaints

To better facilitate our investigation, please include the following information in your reporting:

  • Product Name and/or Catalog Number
  • Lot Number or Serial Number
  • Any injuries and/or Harm?
  • What is the issue you experienced?
  • Is the actual sample or sample representative available? (If possible, please send affected sample)
  • Contact name and phone number
Product Recalls
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Recall Notifications
These recall notices provide current information on medical device recalls.
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