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Sexually Transmitted Infections

Screening & Diagnostic Solutions for performance and flexibility based on clinical requirements

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Elevate the standards of STIs testings

through access to continued innovation in diagnostics accuracy and efficiency

  • >500,000 STIs
    • Are notified in the EU/EAA and the UK every year.1 Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis and Trichomoniasis are curable.1
  • >75% OF WOMEN
    • Experience at least one episode of vaginitis/vaginosis in their lifetime.2

The BD MAX™ System, a fully automated, molecular platform providing rapid results for low to mid-volume testing needs


  • The BD CTGC2 and BD CTGCTV2 assays for BD MAX™ System for the direct detection of Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and Tichomonas vaginalis. These new generation assays include dual target detection for GC and new specimen claims to support emerging needs.
  • The BD MAX™ Vaginal Panel for the detection of organisms associated with Bacterial Vaginosis, Candidiasis and Trichomoniasis

The BD COR™ System, a next generation fully automated platform for high-throughput screening of STIs.


  • The BD CTGCTV2 for BD COR™ System for the direct detection of Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseiria gonorrhaeae, and Trichomonas vaginalis is also available to be run on BD COR™ System with extended claims. Learn more by visiting the BD CTGCTV2 for BD COR™ System assay page.

New collection devices, compatible with both BD MAX™ and BD COR™:


  • A single vaginal collection swab to run both BD CTGCTV2 assay for BD MAX™ System (or BD CTGC2 assay for BD MAX™ System) and BD MAX™ Vaginal Panel
  • A single cervical sample to test for CT, GC, TV, and HPV

Contact us to discuss how we can support you with screening and diagnosis of STIs


CT, Chlamydia trachomatis; GC, Neisseria gonorrhoeae; STI, sexually transmitted infection; TV, Trichomonas vaginalis

BD, the BD Logo, BD MAX are trademarks of Becton, Dickinson and Company or its affiliates. © 2023 BD. All rights reserved.

The BD MAX™ System, BD MAX™ Enteric Bacterial & Extended Enteric Bacterial Panels, BD MAX™ Enteric Viral Panel & BD MAX™ Enteric Viral Panel-NR, BD MAX™ Enteric Parasite Panel, BD MAX™ Vaginal Panel, BD MAX™ Check-Points CPO, BD MAX™ MRSA XT & BD MAX™ StaphSR, BD MAX™ Cdiff, BD MAX™ MDR-TB, BD SARS-CoV-2 Reagents for BD MAX™ System, BD SARS-CoV-2/Flu for BD MAX™ System, VIASURE SARS-CoV-2 (N1+N2) Real Time PCR Detection Kit for BD MAX™ System, VIASURE SARS-CoV-2 Variant Real Time PCR Detection Kit for BD MAX™, VIASURE SARS-CoV-2, Flu (A+B) & RSV Real Time PCR Detection Kit for BD MAX™ System, VIASURE Flu A, Flu B & RSV Real Time PCR Detection Kit for BD MAX™ System, VIASURE Vancomycin Resistance Real Time PCR Detection Kit for BD MAX™ System are in vitro diagnostic medical devices bearing a CE mark.

The BD MAX™ System assays for BD MAX™ System are in vitro diagnostic medical devices bearing a CE mark and are CE certified by BSI Group The Netherlands B.V. (Notified Body Number = 2797).

  1. ECDC Infographic: Sexually transmitted infections: a long-standing and ongoing threat for public health. Available at: Accessed June 22, 2021.
  2. Workowski KA and Bolan GA. MMWR Recomm Rep. 2015;64(RR-03):1-137.
Sexually Transmitted Infections Thumbnail Image BD logo

Screening & Diagnostic Solutions for performance and flexibility based on clinical requirements