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BD BBL™ Prepared Plated Media

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BD Isolator Cleanroom eXtended Temperature (IC-XT) plated media offer flexibility and sample integrity to meet today’s environmental monitoring needs.  With extended shelf-life and room temperature storage (2-25° C), BD BBL™ IC-XT ready-to-use plated media provide dependable and reliable outcomes for testing in critical environments.

Features and Benefits

BD Stacker™ dishes

The 90 mm x 15 mm BD Stacker dishes contain one media formulation.

Bi-plate 90-mm x 15-mm–style dishes

These dishes feature two sections that each contain a different media formulation.

BD BBL™ CHROMagar™ media

BD BBL™ CHROMagar™ media are suitable for incubation, differentiation, or selection of many microorganisms by using chromogenic substrates and resulting in colour production. These colours will be distinctive depending on the target microorganism, potentially allowing for an easier and accurate differentiation.


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Please note, not all products, services or features of products and services may be available in your local area. Please check with your local BD representative.

BD BBL™ Prepared Plated Media BD BD BBL™ prepared plated media

BD Stacker™ dishes


The 90 mm x 15 mm BD Stacker dishes contain one media formulation.


Bi-plate 90-mm x 15-mm–style dishes


These dishes feature two sections that each contain a different media formulation.


BD BBL™ CHROMagar™ media


BD BBL™ CHROMagar™ media are suitable for incubation, differentiation, or selection of many microorganisms by using chromogenic substrates and resulting in colour production. These colours will be distinctive depending on the target microorganism, potentially allowing for an easier and accurate differentiation.
