Encouraging Associate Engagement and Volunteerism


We empower our associates to give back and make a meaningful difference — locally and globally. Through our innovative, global Volunteer Service Trips, we invite associates to take paid time away from work to tackle some of the world's most pressing global health issues, one developing community at a time. At BD sites around the world, we also encourage our associates to join together to support local organisations that improve the health and well-being of the most vulnerable in their communities. We also match associate donations to non-profit organisations and offer mini-grants to organisations where our associates volunteer their time and talents.

Volunteer experiences that transform communities and our associates' lives

All BD associates are invited to apply to participate in the life-changing experience of BD Volunteer Service Trips. This transformative program allows BD associates to take several weeks away from work to participate in BD-sponsored service trips that seek to strengthen health systems in developing and emerging countries. BD strategically partners with non-profit organisations and NGOs to implement the program, empowering associates to share their expertise and passions to help improve the overall quality of life for vulnerable populations. To date, more than 175 BD associates from 26 countries have been deployed to sub-Saharan Africa, the Caribbean, Latin America, Southeast Asia, El Salvador, Haiti, Mexico, Peru and Papua New Guinea.

Australian Doctors International (ADI)

Australian Doctors International (ADI) is a not-for-profit charity specialising in Integrated Health Patrols and health in-services, deploying volunteer doctors and health coordinators to work in partnership with local government, private companies and faith-based health providers to deliver unique value through the three way combination of:

  • clinical services and public health education delivered to remote and rural populations,

  • patrol based training that exposes health care workers to practical up-skilling opportunities and

  • opportunity for those health care workers to deepen and/or refresh their clinical skills in a niche topic area previously identified as lacking.


BD has invested heavily with ADI since 2012 in training of pathology workers in New Ireland PNG as well as generously donating equipment. This has allowed local health staff to better care for their patients, particularly those with serious diseases such as TB and Malaria.

Past projects with ADI include:

2020 - Western Province, effective PPE use and infection control webinar training.
2018 - New Ireland, Namatanai Hospital, installed solar panels and building maintenance.
2017 - New Ireland, infection control training and laboratory audits.
2016 - PNG, Port Moresby General Hospital, laboratory standards training.
2014 - New Ireland, laboratory standards training and laboratory audits.

Public Private Partnerships in Lab Strengthening

From 2007-2020, BD created an innovative public-private partnership with the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) to improve overall laboratory systems and services in African countries that had been severely affected by HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis (TB). Working with PEPFAR, CDC, Ministries of Health and other in-country partners on specific laboratory strengthening projects, BD associates have provided training for more than 500 healthcare workers in Ethiopia, South Africa, Mozambique, Kenya, Uganda and India through the PEPFAR Labs for Life program. The program improved local capacity to improve laboratory management, maintain and calibrate laboratory equipment, and safely and effectively test for TB and HIV.  Today BD’s team is building on the learnings from this program to apply to lab strengthening initiatives for Cervical Cancer and AMR.

Hometown giving: Making a difference where we live and work

At hundreds of BD locations around the world, BD associates join together to support local causes and organisations that improve the health and well-being of their communities. Whether it’s joining together to sort food at local pantries, planting trees in community parks, or improving the lives of at-risk youth by volunteering at local youth centers, BD associates initiate hundreds of local acts of kindness, volunteerism and generosity in their communities, every day.

Encouraging associates to give back to the causes they care about

We’re committed to amplifying the impact of associate donations and volunteerism. Through our Employee Match program, BD matches 100% of the donations each associate makes to non-profit organisations of their choice, up to $5,000 per associate, per calendar year. BD will also make a $500 donation to any non-profit organisation to which a BD associate volunteers 40 hours of community service. And through the Henry P. Becton Volunteer Impact Program, BD recognises associates and retirees for excellence and creativity in community service, by making grants to the non-profit organisations they support, in honor of their service.
