
Trademark Usage Guidelines


BD trademarks are used in connection with products and services worldwide to signify the quality and excellence BD is known for. BD has obtained valuable rights through the proper and continuous use of our trademarks. We adhere to the following usage guidelines to maintain the integrity of our brands and preserve their value:

What is a trademark?

A trademark is a word, name, symbol, device, design or phrase adopted and used by BD to identify our goods and services and to distinguish them from other organizations' goods and services. Trademarks, otherwise known as brands, are usually marked with either a ™ or ® symbol (the ™ symbol designates an unregistered trademark, and the ® symbol designates a registered trademark). View the BD product brand list. While these lists generally refer to trademarks used in the United States, some trademarks may also be used and registered internationally.

Referential trademark usage

You may use BD trademarks to refer to BD products in marketing and promotional literature, print materials and other media, as long as you adhere to the following guidance:

  • You adhere to these trademark usage guidelines.
  • You do not disparage BD or BD products and services.
  • You do not imply a relationship or association with BD that does not exist.
  • You use appropriate notice on all trademarks and a footnote indicating that the trademark(s) is owned by Becton, Dickinson and Company.


General trademark usage guidelines

  1. Use appropriate markings. Always designate the trademark with the appropriate ™ or ® symbol. Also, the first usage or most prominent usage of a BD product name must be preceded by the BD master brand in the same typesize, font and color, and used on the same line.

    Correct: BD FACSAria™ cell sorting system


  2. Use BD trademarks as adjectives. A trademark is an adjective that modifies a noun. Always use BD trademarks as adjectives that describe the generic product.

    Incorrect: BD's vacutainer
    Correct: BD Vacutainer® blood collection tube


  3. Attribute ownership of BD trademarks to BD. When referring to a BD trademark, include a notice of trademark attribution where appropriate on all labeling, print collateral and other media.

    Correct: BD and BD Logo are trademarks of Becton, Dickinson and Company.


  4. Logos. Do not use any BD logos without a trademark license from BD. All usage of trademark logos shall be pursuant to these guidelines and any other guidelines applicable to that particular logo. Contact our manager of trademarks and third-party permissions if you are interested in a license to use a BD logo or you require further guidance on proper trademark usage.
